You have a passion and interest in expanding your art knowledge and skill
You want to see measurable results in your ability and art pursuits
You want to be apart of an interactive, supportive art community
You are looking for quality, fun art lessons that go beyond what free Youtube lessons provide
You are ready to get back into art after unsuccessfully ignoring your passion for years
You are looking for idea generation &prompts to keep you motivated and activelycreating
You are ready to expand to other art mediums
Your looking for a 24/7 source for fun, original, complete, foundational instruction that you can access at your leisure
You are looking for feedback and support
You want to confidently create original art
Without a Membership
The cost of a typical one on one, in person art lesson will cost at minimum $55.00
A multi-day art course a minimum of $250 Multiply that by several mediums of interest
Undisclosed costs for upgraded or additional supplies $$
Scheduling and availability conflicts and roadblocks
NO membership = NO relationship built with instructor or other artists if not taking consistent lessons NO membership = NOT taught the foundations, skills or principles of art in order to become a creator of original art after your lesson NO membership = Only One and done, template driven 'projects' available for $$ or free, but void of any substance Expensive supplies collect dust
With Ripple Art Online Membership
Members only pay $47/ month you lock in at this price for the life of your membership!!
Immediate change of mindset from negative to creative!
New lessons released every month after each virtual live class, Q & A, sample & references (pdf's as pertinent) Exclusive access to FB Community, The Ripple Effect Measurable results & milestones Encouragement, applicable critiques, support and amazing Art!! Me as your instructor and mentor!!!
Where do I begin once in the membership?
Ripple Art Online membership, as it grows and develops will provide the recorded lessons (saved in the video HUBs from our live virtual lessons) to allow you to step into your art journey at your leisure, in between the on-going live lessons.
You'll want to take the link provided with your membership to the private FB community, The Ripple Effect and say hi and introduce yourself! This will also allow you to be notified when I am LIVE for Q&A, sessions and creative breaks!
Next is to register for the next upcoming Live Session, get your supplies together and prepare to enjoy creating art like never before! (no worries! I'll help you find your way!) The important thing is to begin!!
No matter where you are at, I've got you!
Whats Next?
Ripple Art Online packs in the value and will change the way you see yourself and how you see and create your art.
Ripple Art Online waitlist is now OPEN!
For less than a one on one art class, you will have available monthly pre-recorded video lessons, live classes, pdf's and printable samples, access to our exclusive FB group The Ripple Effect and the Ripple Art Online Gallery!
The Story Behind the Membership
We are born with an inherent ability to create, to build. We begin life being handed items to stack, knock down, line up, cut and color. As our brain develops we begin to realize our power to create. From that earliest stage of life we are handed crayons, chalk and paper or sidewalk. We begin with incoherent markings to identifiable images. Random color choices to very deliberate.
As we color our way into youth, we begin to see the reaction from others when they can identify what it is we are creating - a house from blocks or a house with a family on paper. The acknowledgement for this ability to translate onto paper what we see and experience becomes the standard that we carry through life. How well can we create images that are REALISTIC? This is where the creativity can stop. This is where a false belief begins.
Fast forward to Primary school, the ability to create realistic images is celebrated, while the child using shapes to represent people is not celebrated. Add to this the grading that occurs. The abstract thinker is asked to try harder and given a poorer grade and the child with the stick figures and orange skin is given a smiling face and a higher grade.
The judgment we suffer and the false belief that we accept then, we use for our life. For the remaining years of school we openly claim that we are not talented, that so & so should be nominated to do the art portion of the report etc. The saddest part of all this is everyone agrees. Children are not equipped yet to say, "hey, it is intentional that my family drawing is represented by swirls, dots and smudges."
Now, as an artist I realize there are design guidelines, elements of art, principles of art and styles. I will more than introduce and provide lessons based on these. But, there are also, trailblazers, creators, and free thinkers that throughout history have done and gone outside the lines, mixed mediums, heck, some even created mediums. Extreme and fearless.
As time has allowed me to 'circle back' into art full time, I have had the privilege to teach students of all ages and stages. One truth always seems to exist. The truth is, that there is a false belief that they can't do art or have significant barriers in one or more areas of art.
I have made one constant statement in my classes which is there are no mistakes in art. As long as you are giving it your best, there is no wrong turn.
If you are reading this and memories of childhood stir up, you may want to take a moment and tell your younger self that you are amazing at art, that your marks on a page are just as wonderful as the child's next to you. That all the grades and comments were one persons opinion and not your judge and jury. Let it go!
I was lucky in life, I had parents who allowed and supported my love of art outside of school. I was however, asked to move on from it when entering college. For the last 20+ years I have been bouncing around from one creative venture to the next. I have been searching and stumbling my way back to art full-time. I know I am not the only one.
In order to live my purpose I have landed on the opportunity with this membership to reach, teach and serve all who are interested in art.
I want to encourage artists of early adulthood that art can be a source of income and livelihood. It is not just a hobby or an elective. This group is on a cusp in life. Those who spent every extra minute in the art department in High school are now being asked to walk away from the very thing that made school tolerable, in order to 'fit' into pre-formulated life/college template.
Art is relevant, important and valuable. It is a marketable skill and talent. Art is everywhere!
Instead of dumbing down art to those younger students, I teach every student the foundations, the reason why, the point of doing something, the base for their work to start originally. Younger students have the ability to meet the project at their own point of entry. They amaze me time and again at their ability to grasp concepts, interpret the prompt and create amazing work.
This membership will provide adult artists at any stage of life or experience, the foundations of art, discussions and projects in art and with these the courage to create originally. The membership provides step by step videos that can be paused, rewound, or 2x'd if that's your speed!
What this membership does not provide is me on hyper-speed creating art without explanation. This is not a paint party. Youtube and other social media sites are filled with artists creating., not instructing. If you've ever tried to follow along you know that it is near impossible. Beyond time constraints there is typically no discussion or explanation as to what, why or how. These are free, for a reason.
For those of us who have stuffed your passion and interest in art for any number of years, this membership is for you. As I stated before, the foundations, lessons and prompts are meant to bring you into and have personal success in art. The lessons translate individually for each of us.
The amazing Ripple Effect on our own lives through creativity in art is unstoppable, the Ripple Effect on others lives is unfathomable. We have an obligation to ourselves to live our best life. I want to serve whomever is open and ready to begin, continue or begin again their pursuit of being the best artist they can be.
Thank you, Mary Williamson Multi-Medium Artist
Ripple Art Studio & Gallery Ripple Art Online Membership
One More Time
You will receive with this membership Monthly lesson (LIVE & Pre-recorded) ($3,600+/ year value) FB Live Classes ($3000/ year value) Access to pdf's for each broad stroke lesson ($1,200 value) Access to samples and templates ($2,400 value) Access to our exclusive FB Group The Ripple Effect Pop-up Q & A sessions with me Feedback Fridays after Live Sessions Milestone tracker to keep you creating, developing skills and engaging in the FB The Ripple Effect community support, critiques, idea generation, gallery, weekly prompts
Bonuses: Check out Ripple Art Studio & Gallery on FB
Creating a useful Art Journal and Journaling Habits
Journal Prompts & other art TIP downloads
Let's Create Some Amazing Art !!!
$47/ Month for the life of your membership
$47 !!!!!!!!
Annual Membership also available for $470 (Save $94! - 2 months gratis)